Real Estate Law

Fidelis Law Center has advised borrowers, developers, contractors and other clients with regards to workouts, dispositions and acquisitions of distressed loans, and distressed real property. We have negotiated virtually every type of workout, including loan workouts; forbearance arrangements; foreclosure prevention and defense; deed-in-lieu agreements; release agreements; lease modifications and renegotiations; loan assignments and settlement agreements.

Every transaction in the world of real estate is essentially a contract negotiation and business transaction. At the same time, there is often a strong element of emotion involved in real estate ownership and possession. We are sensitive to business and individual bottom lines and the need to contain costs while protecting property ownership and leasing rights. We proceed with decisiveness while exercising caution as necessary to avoid litigation and resolve disputes in the most expeditious, beneficial way for our clients.


Real Estate Transactions


Our role in property transactions includes:


• Strategies for negotiating to buy or sell property

• Drafting and reviewing of purchase and sale contracts

• Due diligence regarding title review, disclosures and financing commitments


Landlord Tenant Services


If you are a landlord or tenant in need of experienced legal representation in lease negotiations, eviction proceedings or other landlord-tenant related issues, we encourage you to contact us.